Note Making and summaries class 10th(note making and summary writing class 10)

Note Making and summaries class 10th(note making and summary writing class 10)

 Note Making and summaries class 10th(नोट समरी कैसे बनाते हैं)

Q.1.- read the passage and answer the question that follow:

All ants have a varied diet. This is a strong point which struggle for a livelihood, as it enables them to use whatever food is, for the time, abundant and easy to find and collect. In this way a varied diet cushions then against unpredictable changes in food supply.All our species some sort of prey ,but they will also pick-up crumbs of bread , cheese or fruits that they find lying about near picnic sites, or in parks or gardens.

Ants eat  worms, certipedes and spiders; they also eat larvae, and insect adults such as files moths and spring tails. Such small animals do not all make easy game for ants; they are usually much quicker then the ant itself and they have an extraordinary number of ways of escping , some jump, some flicks their bodies violently  and some give out a pungent pellent substance.

    If ants or indeed any hunting animals were too clever at catching their pery , they would eventually destroy the species completely and suffer themselves in turn. That well formed, alert and vigorous ones can escape and survive to keep the species going. The prey  avoids destruction in this way and maintains a good breeding stock which provides a regular food supply for its predators.The predators can even be thought of a beneficial agent that prevents overcrowding of the prey by clearing up , neatly and effectively all the superfluous individuals.

Note Making and Summary writing for Class 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th


(a)    Make notes on the contents of the passage and give a title also.

(b)   Prepare the summary of the passage.

Ans- Title: The Ants.

1.       The food of the ants:

(a)    Varied diet.

(b)   Easy to find

(c)    Crumbs of bread,cheese , fruit.

2.        Ant’s victims:

(a)    Worms, moth, insects.

3.       Might is right:

(a)    Weak are easy prey, like insects,larvae, spiders

(b)   Only the strong species serve themselves.


Summary : Ants have varied diet. It enables them to eat whatever they get easily. They eat worms,insects larvar, spiders,flies. The strong worms escape by jump-ing or by giving pungent smell . If hunting animlas are able to catch their prey always they would destroy the whole species completely.The weak are cought and the strong escape to survive to keep their species going. They protect the destruction of their species.


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