CGBSE Class 12th English Set-A open book paper Solution 2021

CGBSE Class 12th English Set-A open book paper Solution 2021

CGBSE Class 12th English Set-A open book paper Solution 2021

 Set -A

Chhattisgarh board exam

English full Solution

Questions 1.


1(c) hunting

2(a) strangers

3(b) never

4(c) latin

5(b) requesting lot of space for storing

6. Money answered the need of mankind

7. Bedse war kaun si dad add the form of money when civilization was developing

8. Few craft men vardu be paid for their I was in cattle and former and heads to pay in that way as beats themselves were a form of money at that time

9. According to the economics money is a medium for exchange

10. Pasta sage land used for grazing

11. Strangers

12. Precious.


1. Humans exploiting nature

Contamination of environment

Kirobo cable damage

2. Self reflection

Cutting training


3. What are humans missing out?

Bed with nature

Processing see you reply

Nature unable to cope

4. Worthless situation

Atomic bomb destruction


Pentana kmax


Everything present around us at our environment it includes all living and non living things in our surroundings the life of human and animals ages and really developed on environment agent nucleoid as environment play a major role in giving birth to a new life in the growth of a life well of the life and the over all well being of any life it provides us with fresh air that we breath water that we drink food that we eat and almost all the discount for our survival environment also provide us with several other nature surround that are very important

Environment Alto provide us with several other nature the resources that are very important nature resources are the resources that environment give us naturally without we creating it it includes sunlight atmosphere land water plants animal sea life cleans different space and everything that eas nature our Earth it provide with the resources search a flutes metals and most form of angry to us

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